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Congratulations you are coming to camp!
This is for bunk bed option in the treehouse or dorm. This includes all of your meals, classes, lodging and activities.
This is for a shared room in the lodge. The room has two twin beds and a bathroom. This includes all of your meals, classes, lodging and activities.
This room has two twin beds in it but if you choose to have your own room and bathroom in the lodge then this room is for you! This includes all of your meals, classes, lodging and activities.
This is for hotel with two queen beds. Hotel is about a three minute drive from our campsite This includes shared room inside lodge and all of your meals, classes, lodging and activities. Price is per person, single occupancy.
This is for hotel with two queen beds. This is for two people in one room at the hotel. This includes lodging, meals, classes and activities FOR TWO PEOPLE.
Total $ 0.00